Geofencing - Joseph Media Group

(615) 617-5000

What Is Geofencing?

How Geofencing Can Work For Your Business

How Geofencing Works

We target specific locations.

Geofencing is drawing a “fence” around a specific geo location or collection of location.

In this example we are targeting motorcycle shops in the area. We serve ads only to people who are in, or have been in, the physical walls of this business.

With Geofencing, we can exclude anyone who goes into the grocery store next door, or the gas station across the street, and only advertise to people who visit our predetermined locations.

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Geo-Targeted ads

Your ad is displayed on their phone.

In this example, the ad is being displayed on the Weather Bug app. We have over 150,000 apps that can display your ads.

Call us for a demo to see how we can make it work for you. 615-617-5000

Grow your Remarketing Audience

We grab their devices IDs.

While your prospect is on the premises, our system can grab their device ID, and save it to an audience where can serve ads to the at a later time.

Our system has the ability to serve ads to them via our 150,000 apps network or we can serve ads to them on Facebook via a remarketing campaign.

Think of it this way. Your prospect enters one of the locations you have predefined. They are automatically added to an audience of people who have been to these specific locations. We then show your ads to them dozens of times using a Facebook remarketing campaign.

If you know where your customers are, Geofencing is a powerful marketing tool.

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Joseph Media Group

1984 Providence Parkway, Ste 202, Mt Juliet, TN 37122