5 Benefits to Building Brand Awareness For Lawyers - Joseph Media Group

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5 Benefits to Building Brand Awareness For Lawyers

Building Brand Awareness:  5 Benefits

One of the best ways to increase your traffic and client base as a lawyer is to build extensive brand awareness. Learn the benefits here!


There are close to 300,000 civil cases and almost 100,000 criminal cases per year in the Federal United States court system. If you are a lawyer, you have a huge responsibility when it comes to upholding the law.

Seeking justice is no easy task, but if you can master the art of lawyer marketing, you can reach the people that need you most.

Here are 5 benefits of building brand awareness for your law firm.

1. Keeps You Competitive

Building a brand as a lawyer is all about attracting clients by showcasing your experience and professionalism.

To do this you need to utilize some principles of business marketing while capitalizing on your outstanding performance in the courtroom. If you win a case, it is important that you make it known.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and your own web page, are great places to post your successes.

In the competitive world of law, having a recognizable brand name is what sets you apart from the competition. Focus on establishing brand awareness about your firm, every chance you get.

2. Increases Organic Traffic

You need to keep in mind that your clients will come to you in times of their greatest need.  They may not need you now.  But when they do need you, if they already know your name, you have a huge advantage.  If they already know your name, find you online and call you because of it, you win.

Building your brand is generating organic traffic in the future.

3. Enhances Credibility

At the end of the day, it all comes down to your reputation and level of experience. You should highlight these attributes of your practice in your marketing strategy.

The more years in the field you have and wins you have in the courtroom, the bigger your brand can become. The bigger your brand, the more credible of a lawyer you will be.

4. Creates Brand Recognition

As a lawyer, your name and the name of your law firm is your brand. Developing strategies that help people remember your name, creates a larger client base.

The more well-known your firm is, the higher the likelihood of new business calling you, instead of the other guy.

5. Creates a Loyal Client Base

Building brand awareness is all about humanizing every one of your clients. If you go to bat for them, they will tell their friends and loved ones and your practice will grow.

This is how you develop a loyal client base that comes to you for all of their legal needs. Most people have more than one legal issue in their life, so make sure your clients come to you for all of theirs.

Take Your Lawyer Marketing to the Next Level

If you’re ready to start generating more revenue from your law firm’s marketing efforts, get in touch with the team at Joseph Media. Call today or schedule a call, and let’s get to work!