Top 8 ad headline concepts Lawyers should be testing - Joseph Media Group

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Top 8 ad headline concepts Lawyers should be testing

Lawyer Ad Headlines:  Top 8 Concepts To Test

Joseph Media Group – Lawyer Marketing

Ad Headlines To Test

  • Brand – If you already have a strong brand, including your brand name in the headline could give your ad authority considering everyone already knows who you are and what you do. If you don’t have a strong brand presence, this could help you build one.
  • Value – Another great choice is to discuss price relativity within the ad. Words like “affordable, cheap, low cost, save on” or even including the price of the item or service.
  • Quality – Try including features that make your brand or product stand out. Words like, “high quality, locally-owned, millions recovered, you don’t pay unless we win”
  • Service Specific Info – Here you can include specific information about the service or what makes your service unique.
  • Testimonials – This is the age of reviews. The more good things people say about your service, the better. Include some positive reviews to show that similar people trusted and loved your services.
  • Sales – This is fairly straightforward. If you are offering any sales or discounts, don’t forget to mention those in the headlines.
  • DKI – Dynamic Keyword Insertion is a unique way to include exactly what the searcher typed in the search bar into your ad headline. This is an easy way to make your ad copy extremely relevant.
  • Question Vs Non-Question – Try testing a statement about your service in the form of a question vs the same statement as a non-question. “Looking for an Injury Lawyer?” vs “Get an injury lawyer today.”

These are some of the top headlines to test for your ad campaign.  At Joseph Media Group, we’re great at digital advertising for lawyers and would be happy to talk strategy with your about your specific digital marketing needs.

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If you’re ready to start generating more revenue from your law firm’s marketing efforts, get in touch with our team at Joseph Media. Call today or schedule a call, and let’s get to work!