3 Ways To Remarket Using Facebook - Joseph Media Group

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3 Ways To Remarket Using Facebook

Law Firm Remarketing:  3 Ways To Remarket using Facebook.

3rd party cookie tracking/remarketing is on its way out. Here is how to remarket your law firm using custom audiences on Facebook.

Video Views

Creating a video view campaign will allow you to create a custom audience of those who watch a certain amount of that video, and funnel them into more campaigns highlighting what they already watched.  If a Facebook visitor watches 50% or more of your first video, then we show them the 2nd video.  If they then watch 50% of more of the 2nd video, we send them to the 3rd video.  And so on.


Call-to-action Clicks

If you are driving people to click on a “call-to-action” that lands on your website from your Facebook ad, you can use that action to collect those who clicked as a new audience.  Then you can show them more videos, content, or call ads dedicated to the landing page they landed on after their initial click.


Unsubmitted Forms

Using lead forms as a way to generate leads is a great way to collect 1st party data.  But if someone starts but does not complete the form, we can collect those into an audience and remind them of your services using different ad types.


Take Your Lawyer Marketing to the Next Level

If you’re ready to start generating more revenue from your law firm’s marketing efforts, get in touch with our team at Joseph Media.  Call today or schedule a call, and let’s get to work!