August 2021 - Joseph Media Group

(615) 617-5000

Law Firm Landing Page Checklist

Law Firm Landing Page Checklist

Law Firm Website:  Our 7 Point Checklist When building your new website for your law firm, key in mind these 7 important items: Call To Action Have a clear call to action above the fold.  Meaning, visitors see the call to action and understand the action they can...
3 Ways To Remarket Using Facebook

3 Ways To Remarket Using Facebook

Law Firm Remarketing:  3 Ways To Remarket using Facebook. 3rd party cookie tracking/remarketing is on its way out. Here is how to remarket your law firm using custom audiences on Facebook. Video Views Creating a video view campaign will allow you to create a custom...
3 Tips For Better Lawyer Ad Copy

3 Tips For Better Lawyer Ad Copy

Better Lawyer Ad Copy:  3 Tips As a lawyer, you need clients in order to get paid, and you can increase the number of clients by marketing your services online. However, digital marketing requires time, effort, and extensive knowledge of search engine optimization...